Grants & Scholarships

Searching for Game Changers in Wilson, NC

Healthcare Foundation of Wilson is looking for eligible nonprofit organizations, government organizations and schools with big ideas on how to improve the health and wellness of our community are encouraged to apply for grant funding. If you possess the passion and determination to make a difference in the lives of Wilson community members and are an eligible organization, we want you to apply for a grant from Healthcare Foundation of Wilson. By working together, we can improve the health care and wellness of the greater Wilson community. Are you ready to promote lasting change and healthier living in the Wilson community? There are two grant making opportunities: responsive and strategic grants.

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Responsive Grants

Healthcare Foundation of Wilson is proud to award responsive grants yearly. Organizations can apply for grants that will support programs that promote one or more of the four focus areas: access to healthcare, active living and healthy eating, alcohol and substance misuse, and behavioral and mental health. To learn more, click here.

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Strategic Grants

While strategic grants are by invitation only, our board is open to hearing innovative ideas to move the health and wellness needle in a positive direction. These grants also need to support one or more of our focus areas. To learn more, click here.

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The Foundation is embarking on a new journey: scholarships. The Foundation would like to invest in the healthcare workforce by giving $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who have an interest in the healthcare profession. To learn more, click here.

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