Healthcare Foundation of Wilson – Grant Educational Session

ATTENTION:  Tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofits, Government Institutions or Schools

FREE Educational Session – Learn how you may be eligible to apply for a healthcare related grant from Healthcare Foundation of Wilson.  Our next grant cycle begins in January of 2017.

Register now online or call 252.281.2105.  Leave a message with your name, the eligible organization and a phone number where you can be reached.


Healthcare Foundation of Wilson – Grant Educational Session

ATTENTION:  Tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofits, Government Institutions or Schools

FREE Educational Session – Learn how you may be eligible to apply for a healthcare related grant from Healthcare Foundation of Wilson.  Our next grant cycle begins in January of 2017.

Register now online or call 252.281.2105.  Leave a message with your name, the eligible organization and a phone number where you can be reached.


Free Flu Shots for Uninsured Adults will be available on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at First Baptist Church, 311 Nash Street, NW, Wilson, NC.  No Registration is required.

The event is sponsored by Healthcare Foundation of Wilson in collaboration with the Wilson County Health Department.

HFW Online Grant Training

The HFW Online Grant Application training will be held on November 4th and 5th at Wilson Community College.   The training consists of 2 sessions with a 1 hour 15 minute class on each day.   Online registration is required.

By registering for this 3:30 – 4:45 class, you will be registered to attend during this time frame on both days (Wednesday and Thursday).

Food and drink is not permitted in the computer classroom so you will not need to complete the “Dietary Restrictions” box on the enrollment form.

You will receive a confirmation email with additional details within 24 business hours after your registration is completed online.

Thank you.

HFW Online Grant Application Training

The HFW Online Grant Application training will be held on November 4th and 5th at Wilson Community College.   The training consists of 2 sessions with a 1 hour 15 minute class on each day.   Online registration is required.

By registering for this 8:30  -9:45 class, you will be registered to attend during this timeframe on both days (Wednesday and Thursday).

Food and drink is not permitted in the computer classroom so you will not need to complete the “Dietary Restrictions” box on the enrollment form.

You will receive a confirmation email with additional details within 24 business hours after your registration is completed online.
Thank you.

Healthcare Grant Educational Session

FREE Educational Session to learn how you may be eligible to apply for a Healthcare-related grant impacting our Wilson community.  Two Sessions available.  Register for either 9:00 am or 5:30 pm

HFW Auxiliary presents – $5 Jewelry Sale

The HFW Auxiliary is proud to present our $5 jewelry sale!  The event will be held October 5 – 7 in the WMC Auditorium from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.  This is a great opportunity to start your early Christmas shopping, stocking stuffers, and just fun items for you!  Proceeds help local patients with healthcare needs.  Please stop by.