Three New Strategic Grants Approved
Healthcare Foundation of Wilson has granted $30 million in strategic initiatives since shifting its focus in 2018 to invest a larger percentage of funds in proactive, collaborative work to support sustainable opportunities.
The foundation remains committed to providing grants in two ways — responsive and strategic. Responsive grants are funded annually through an application process, and strategic grant recipients are selected through an invitation process.
As we continue our grantmaking in the community, we are working with partners to define objectives and increase our impact by investing in solutions that address Wilson’s greatest health concerns.
Barton College was awarded $732,000 for a planning grant to conceptually develop a School of Health Sciences program to improve the availability of health care professionals in the Wilson community. During the planning stage, Barton College will work toward developing new academic curriculum programming, engage an architecture firm to identify and develop a plan for facility needs, expand on community partnerships with a focus on local recruitment and retention strategies, and identify clinical pathways needed in an effort to help local students serve their community and pursue a variety of healthcare careers.
The SPOT received $900,000 to prepare a 10-acre lot that was donated by Healthcare Foundation of Wilson. The SPOT plans to use the grant to develop the infrastructure needed for a future sports complex which will serve youth in a variety of ways by accommodating the organization’s everyday use, recreational sports and family activities.
Wilson County Health Department has been approved for ongoing strategic funding for a multi-year initiative in collaboration with Wilson County Schools to add Wilson Area School-Based Health (WASH) clinics at every Wilson County public school with the goal of ensuring that every student has access to healthcare when needed during the school year. Recent strategic funding from Healthcare Foundation of Wilson has supported the opening of the WASH Clinic at Fike High School, moving the Beddingfield High WASH clinic from a temporary facility into the school building, and plans to open a WASH clinic at Darden Middle School. Healthcare Foundation of Wilson has provided $2.4 million in grant funding to support the initial five WASH clinics.