2017 Healthcare Foundation of Wilson Grant Recipients
Barton College has been awarded $132,000 to support the establishment of a wellness center within Wilson House to help reduce the prevalence of obesity in senior residents. Cardiovascular equipment, physical therapy equipment, and a Keiser resistance training circuit will be available at the wellness center. The project will include training of Wilson House staff and residents by the Barton College School of Allied Health and Sport Studies staff and students. The Wilson YMCA group exercise instructors will conduct classes appropriate for seniors, and the project will focus on weight loss to help prevent falls and enhance quality of life and well-being.
Barton College received $185,000 for a wellness program that will utilize a functional medicine approach to prevent and reduce obesity in employees and students. The personalized systems-oriented model will address underlying causes of disease and empower participants to take an active role in their own health in order to make lasting health changes. Programming will focus on modifiable lifestyle factors that impact obesity, including nutrition, exercise and physical activity, sleep and relaxation, stress management, and relationships.
Community Christian School received $5,000 to implement more active, movement-rich physical education programs to improve the overall physical health and well-being of students in grades K-8. Students will be exposed to different forms of physical exercise and activity with the use of new equipment and materials to complement an existing focus on education on healthy living. The goals of the grant include a decrease in the overall body mass index of students.
Greenfield School was awarded $28,000 to install a walking track and implement the MATCH Wellness for 7th, 8th and 9th grade students through the science, health and physical education curriculums. The goal of the project is to help lower overall body mass index (BMI) for the school, offer healthy choices, and prepare students to make better lifestyle choices as adults. The school will track students’ improvement from the beginning of the year through the end of the school year. The walking track will also be utilized by everyone in grades K-12 and provide a better place for the cross-country program students to train.
Hope Station was awarded $45,000 to build on the early successes of projects launched in 2016 and increase its provision of healthier foods for people with low incomes. The grant will support the participation of 50 clients in a project that involves receiving a seven-day supply of food in exchange for making healthier choices, participating in monthly nutrition and cooking classes, and monitoring weight, BMI and blood pressure. Grant funding will also support an additional pantry day every month to accommodate clients who need a weekend option.
Integrity Unlimited Community Development Corporation has been awarded $50,000 to help expand the childhood obesity program. The grant funds will support the addition of the CATCH (childhood approach to coordinated health) curriculum, expansion of community gardens, outdoor exercise equipment, a walking trail and a multi-sport outdoor court for community use. Group discussions will be facilitated using Making Proud Choices, an evidence-based program curriculum that integrates teen pregnancy prevention along with HIV/STD prevention. The program also includes community presentations about the effects of drug abuse on the health of individuals and the entire community.
Love A Sea Turtle received $7,000 to support FAN (Fitness and Nutrition) Camp for students at The SPOT. The camp model engages youth in hands-on learning, team building skills, and healthy nature-based and STEM-focused activities such as kayaking, trail biking, swimming, snorkeling, try-scuba diving program, water quality testing, nutrition scavenger hikes and cooking demonstrations.
Mental Health America of Eastern Carolina received $30,000 to bring the Peer Navigator program to Wilson County and provide support to help transition patients who frequent detention centers, hospitals, emergency departments or treatment centers for alcohol and substance abuse. The program includes face-to-face meetings and phone support after discharge. It also connects high-risk individuals to community support systems, helps bridge the gap between inpatient and outpatient services, promotes recovery and supplements existing treatment.
Seeds of Hope Wilson has been awarded $16,000 to continue VICK GETS FIT 2.0, a school & family initiative designed to reinforce a culture of health & wellness at Vick Elementary School for the 2017-2018 academic year. VICK GETS FIT 2.0 will continue to combat the negative influences of poor nutrition and physical inactivity that put students at risk for obesity and prohibit vital learning and improved overall health. This initiative will engage school staff and families in a collaborative approach to enable all participants to make healthier life-style choices.
The SPOT received $50,000 to expand Triple Play the SPOT Way for all members and parents. Building on the success of the STEM program in 2016, the SPOT will increase the program to an additional 40 participants and increase parent engagement in family fitness events. Events will include a cycling challenge with fun team building activities, family game days, a treadmill race and other creative opportunities for families to play and learn together with an emphasis on healthy behaviors and choices.
United Way of Wilson County, Inc. received $150,000 to work with community partners and participate in national and statewide efforts to expand Service Year Placements. Wilson has been named by the Institute of Emerging Issues (IEI) as one of four Service Year NC communities in North Carolina. The placements will focus on building capacity to improve the overall health of the community, and they will serve at Barton College, the City of Wilson, Wilson County Health Department, Wilson Family YMCA and the United Way. Initiatives will include fighting food insecurity in all at-risk populations, reducing drug and alcohol use, increasing access to fresh produce and vegetables, and other efforts to decrease obesity in our community.
Wilson County Department of Social Services received $150,000 to focus on physical activity. Phase 2 of the countywide Eat Smart Move More approach will include health education, gym memberships based on need, and healthy rewards for those who meet fitness goals. This project will expand on the initial core health behavior of drinking more water and will continue to include that message. Opportunities will be offered in neighborhoods, at senior centers and in collaboration with local faith partners to remove the barrier of transportation and provide on-site opportunities for physical activity and health education.
Wilson County Health Department has been awarded $5,000 to provide syringe exchange kits for the Wilson County Syringe Exchange Program and replacement intranasal Narcan® for City of Wilson and Wilson County Law enforcement. Funding will also support HIV, STD and Hepatitis C testing that will be offered to participants. The focus of the grant project is to develop a relationship with participants and provide encouragement and assistance with entering a rehabilitation program. The City of Wilson Police and the Wilson County Sheriff’s Department will also be project partners with the Wilson County Health Department.
Wilson County Health Department has received a grant for $10,000 to support adolescent pregnancy prevention. The funding will cover the cost of long-acting, reversible contraceptive devices to prevent unintended pregnancies with a goal of increasing the socio-economic potential of young women in our community.
Wilson County Health Department has been awarded $316,000 to add a school-based health center at Beddingfield High School while continuing operations at the Forest Hills health center. Collaborative partners include Wilson County Schools and the Wilson County Department of Social Services. Grant funds will support a shared mid-level provider between both sites and portable telemedicine equipment. A social worker will be available for support. The health center will also include services such as health education, nutrition and fitness education, sports physicals, and counseling for adolescent pregnancy and STD prevention.
Wilson County Partnership for Children was awarded $135,691 to support the Wilson County Healthy Children Initiative to increase the number of children starting kindergarten at a healthy weight. Grant funds will support on-site physical education activities, as well as nutritional information and lesson plans for teachers. A physical education and nutrition specialist will work with the centers. The Wilson County Partnership for Children announced a grant in April to cover this initiative for five child care sites for children from birth to age 5. The Healthcare Foundation of Wilson grant will cover an additional 25 child care facilities in the Wilson community and allow services to school children from ages 6 to 12.
Wilson County Schools received $7,500 to support the continuation of MATCH Wellness, (Motivating Adolescents with Technology to Choose Health), which was implemented in 2016. The funds will support coordinators within the school system to allow for the most effective implementation practices. MATCH is one of the most successful school-based childhood obesity intervention programs. The program empowers students to make healthy choices for eating and physical activity through lessons and activities taught in Healthful Living, Science, Math, Language Arts and Social Studies.
Wilson County Schools received $40,000 to build a high ropes challenge course to directly benefit the health and well-being of students. The ropes course will primarily be used for student groups that focus on additional physical activity during the school day while building self-esteem, trust and teamwork skills. Staff and principals from multiple schools will also complete the course to model and demonstrate healthy behaviors.
Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition received $7,200 to work in collaboration with Wilson County Health Department to provide Narcan® to project partners, including the City of Wilson Police and the Wilson County Sheriff’s Department for emergency use. Narcan® (naloxone) is a prescription medicine that blocks the effects of opioids and reverses an overdose. Local law enforcement has indicated that several lives have been saved by having the medicine immediately available.
Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition received $157,200 to support the creation of a Community Recovery Resource Center for Wilson citizens who suffer from substance use disorders. The target population for the center’s use is 18 to 24-year-olds. The project includes professional training, social activities, vocational assistance and peer support specialists. The center’s role will include helping our young adults address substance use, maintain their recovery, increase employment, and improve their quality of life.
Wilson Family YMCA received $25,000 to establish a clinical and community approach for Type II diabetes prevention. Working together, the Wilson Family YMCA and the Wilson County Health Department will implement a diabetes prevention program. The program will focus on changes in body mass and increased, moderate physical activity. Participants in the evidence-based program will receive a YMCA membership to facilitate regular physical activity. The program will provide a supportive environment where participants work together to achieve a 7% reduction in weight and build up to 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week.
Wilson Family YMCA was awarded $40,000 to expand the reach and increase participation in Girls on the Run for girls in 3rd through 8th grade and the STRIDE running program for boys in 3rd through 5th grade. Both programs help children achieve their fitness and health goals by teaching them to take care of themselves while staying active. Grant funding supports 100 additional participants across both programs, staffing to increase participation, training, updated curriculum and healthy snacks.
Wilson Parks and Recreation was awarded $12,000 to support an exercise program for intellectually disabled school-age children, teenagers and adults. The goals are to provide a place to exercise and reduce or prevent obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and other health issues. The exercise program will work to improve the ability to do activities in everyday life situations. Participants will also learn about healthy food choices.