What We Fund

Eligible Organizations

The grant selection process identifies three types of eligible organizations — 501(c)(3)nonprofits, governmental organizations, or schools. The Foundation is looking for eligible organizations that can make a significant impact in at least one of the areas of need, while demonstrating measurable results and a sustainable program.

Our Focus Areas

The Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is conducted every three years to collect data about the health concerns in our community. The data from this assessment is used by the board of directors to pinpoint the areas of focus for giving. The 2022 CHNA identified four areas of concern: access to healthcare, active living and healthy eating, alcohol and substance misuse, and behavioral and mental health. Our board of directors is committed to improving these areas of focus for our community.

Our Focus Areas - Left@2x

Grantee Spotlight - Wilson Area School Health Centers- Right@2x

Access to Healthcare

Many individuals in the Greater Wilson Community do not get the healthcare services they need. Individuals without insurance are less likely to have a primary care provider, and they may not be able to afford the health care services and medications needed to be in good health. Wilson is also a rural community that has an insufficient number of providers, and other barriers to transportation and unemployment. HFW seeks opportunities to ensure there is appropriate access to healthcare in our community.

Here is an example of an HFW funded initiative that increases access to healthcare for our citizens.

Grantee Spotlight – Wilson Area School Health Centers

Grant Type: Strategic

In partnership with Wilson County Schools and the Wilson County Health Department the Wilson Area School Health Centers were created to provide Wilson County Schools students and staff with healthcare just a few steps from their classrooms. The responsive, turned strategic grant was initially funded in 2016 to build and support health clinics in the middle and high schools across the district. After parents complete an application, students can get an appointment to see trained medical professionals about their health needs. Since the grant’s inception, school-based clinics have been opened at Forest Hills Middle School, Darden Middle School, Beddingfield High School, Fike High School, and Hunt High School with plans to open clinics in the remaining middle schools. Providing this grant has decreased the time lost for students missing academic courses, decreased absences for teachers in a time when substitutes are a challenge to find, and served as a pillar during the COVID-19 pandemic for our school system. This grant is a great example of the power of providing access to healthcare in our community.

Alcohol and Substance Misuse

While the prevalence of smoking in Wilson County is lower than the national average, alcohol impaired driving deaths are more than double the recorded average across the US. Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse among youths require the attention of dedicated programs to reduce their impact on the community. We need fresh ideas for treatment options, education and preventative measures that help youth maintain a drug-free life.

Here is an example of an HFW funded initiative working to combat alcohol and substance misuse.

Grantee Spotlight - Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition - Left@2x

Grantee Spotlight – Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition

Grant Type: Responsive Grant

A noteworthy program in our community is the Hope Alliance led by Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition. The program provides scholarships for anyone that meets the criteria and is seeking help with overcoming drug addiction. The Foundation has supported the initiative several years with $37,500 grants to help pay for treatment for those addicted to drugs. The program is a safe way for citizens to seek help for substance abuse disorders without the fear of incarceration. The Coalition works in partnership with the Wilson County Police Department to receive referrals. After completing the intake process, the Coalition staff refers individuals to partner detox facilities at no charge to individuals in this program. Treatment for one person’s 30-day treatment is an estimated $7,000. While there is still work to do, this life changing program is making a difference, one person at the time.

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Healthy Eating and Active Living

The rate of adult obesity is significantly higher in Wilson than throughout the United States. Obesity increases the risk of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, kidney disease, joint problems, hypertension, and heart disease. To prevent these issues from impacting future generations, HFW is seeking programs that encourage healthier eating and more active lifestyles, thereby reducing obesity and the risk of chronic illnesses.

Here is an example of an HFW funded initiative that helps citizens eat healthier and live long and active lives.

Grantee Spotlight – Wilson County Senior Activity Center

Grant Type: Responsive

The seniors at Wilson County Senior Activity Center are no strangers to being active and eating healthy. The Foundation granted the Senior Activity Center with $15,200 to support senior programming that promotes healthy eating and exercise classes for participants aged 55 and older. The six-week sessions allowed seniors to gain knowledge and participate in hands-on cooking classes in the senior center kitchen. Along with the cooking classes, seniors participated in an evidence-based program called, “Walk with Ease.” The program promotes walking to support participants with reducing chronic illnesses like arthritis and reducing body pain. The sessions were held in parks around the city. Participants saw increased pace, strength, and balance. This is an example of how health and wellness is imperative at any age.

Mental and Behavioral Health

Mental and Behavioral Health disorders impact people of all ages, ethnicity, and backgrounds. Yet, our community is still faced with a lack of mental health professionals and facilities to support the needs of our citizens. HFW welcomes evidence-based initiatives that aim to improve the health and quality of life for individuals impacted by these conditions.

Here is an example of an HFW funded initiative that uses an evidence-based program to positively impact the behavioral and mental health of our youth.

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Grantee Spotlight – Wilson Arts Center

Grant Type: Strategic

The Wilson Arts Center received a $500,000 grant to increase opportunities for Wilsonians to experience mental health support via art. Wilson Arts has been in Wilson since 1967 inspiring the community through visual and performing arts programs. The funds supported a larger project to increase the number of art studios, classes, equipment, and a new makerspace for citizens. The Arts Center believes the arts have a positive impact on mood and stress levels. Meanwhile, creativity through art is an exercise in mindfulness and serves as a good medicine and a key component to a mentally well society. The Arts Center partners with many local organizations and offers classes at no charge for groups like the nonprofit after school program, Y-GIG. The Foundation believes this partnership not only exposes the community to art, but will continue to bring people together to increase teamwork, adaptability, resiliency and improve the mental health of our citizens.

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Other Dedicated Support

Honoring previous associations that were in place prior to the foundation, Healthcare Foundation of Wilson allows donors and other supporters to contribute specifically to the Compassionate Cancer Care Program and the Patient Care Program, two legacy groups of the former hospital.

Donations support citizens who do not have the funds for medication, medical supplies, and transportation to vital healthcare appointments. Recipients of the funding go through a screening process at each partnering healthcare agency before receiving support. These funds are life changing for those who receive it, and your donation can continue to make it all happen.

Make a Donation, Make a Difference

The Healthcare Foundation of Wilson greatly appreciates your donations to support these two needed programs in our community.

To donate, please write your check to “Healthcare Foundation of Wilson” and mail it to the address below.

Healthcare Foundation of Wilson
P.O. Box 3697
Wilson, NC 27895

Thank you in advance for your support!

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